Kitchen 511

Welcome to my blog, where I document nearly every meal I make in my home kitchen!

Tazo Iced Passion Tea

Tazo Iced Passion Tea


I’ve consumed a glass of this refreshing Tazo Iced Passion herbal tea every single day of this 40-day quarantine. Just as I have a double espresso each morning (and, who’s kidding who—a glass of wine at night), I have a chilled glass of this hibiscus/orange peel/rose hips/passion fruit drink with lunch. I might add fresh mint or a blood orange or some lemon or lime to the richly colored red tea, or I’ll drink it as is. I don’t sweeten it, ‘cause I love the subtle fruitiness of it, which almost tastes medicinal. It’s always in my fridge in the beautiful green pitcher you can spot in the background here (which I purchased 24 years ago while on a business trip in Aix en Provence—and very pregnant with Max—where I accompanied Frédéric Fekkai and his team while working on the words that would help launch his hair care brand, then owned by Chanel). I buy the large tea bags (in a pack of 6) on Amazon or and always have at least 2 backup boxes (quarantining or not) in the pantry, so I never run out. I guess you could call this a Kitchen 511 essential.

Note: I don’t carefully follow the directions on the box because I like this tea a bit richer (they suggest 64 oz. of water, I use 48 oz.). I also brew it for closer to 10 minutes vs. 5 minutes. And it says consume within 24 hours after refrigerating. It’s just fine after 2-3 days, as well.


  • 1 large tea bag

  • 48 oz. of water (I boil whatever fits in my teapot and then the remaining water I just add cold to the pitcher after I let the tea steep).


  1. Bring water to a boil.

  2. Pour boiling water over the tea bag in a pitcher (make sure it’s heatproof, otherwise do it in a pot).

  3. Allow tea to steep for 8-10 minutes, remove tea bag, add additional water and stir.

  4. Chill in fridge and consume within 3 days.

Chicken Milanese with Arugula & Tomatoes

Chicken Milanese with Arugula & Tomatoes

Cedar-Plank Grilled Salmon

Cedar-Plank Grilled Salmon